Coming soon to the Test Kitchen is a new organic men's tee shirt, we were only able to get black fabric for sampling, other colours will follow when we have everything just right. The Tee shirt is going to have set in sleeves (not raglan like our old ones) and will be made in a 130 gsm organic Cotton Jersey. We are going to put a couple of old school Thunderpants piece prints on them. Tell us your favourite in the comments below so we know which to print!
Smash Palace
Crystal Clump
Arctic Hare
Ice Cream Truck
After we tally the results we shall get working on bring you the actual items!
Lisa on Nov 07, 2016
Artic hare gets my vote
Would love it for my husband
Jacquie mockridge on Aug 19, 2016
I have purchased a number of your thunder pants so I am a committed fan. If you are considering making t shirts please make the men’s ones a smart v neck & the women’s either a low v neck or scoop neck. For both sexes they are more flattering and hip. Tight crew necks are out! Would love to see your print emerge as t shirts. They will walk out the door. If this is successful you could then broaden it to a loose t shirt dress. They were very popular last summer but no print versions available only plain or stripe. Seriously think about this! Get in before some one else beats you to it! Thanks
Deidre Russ on Aug 13, 2016
Smash Palace car design …. Awesome ! It would be a great design not only for the t-shirts but also for the underwear.
Donald on Aug 09, 2016
Arctic Hare! There’s never enough animals on ethical t-shirts :)